Sunday, March 20, 2011

Well Jeez Louise

I've started like 6 posts, but then I get tired and go to sleep without finishing them.  I just looked.  It's more like 8.

Tonight, we had Thanksgiving dinner.  Strange I know, but Bob wanted to deep fry a turkey so that's what he did.  It's interesting how he only makes the meat, I do all the rest of the work but he gets credit for dinner.  I mean I made noodles, mashed potatoes and gravy, blueberry muffins, lemon loaves, stuffing, yams, etc.  He fried a turkey that took all of 45 minutes.  Nevertheless, we had a very pleasant evening.  My parents and my brother and his family came over.  Baby Hailey started walking.

It's pretty amazing that with one day off a week, I spend that ONE day doing laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc.  I actually went grocery shopping yesterday so that chore was at least done.  I was on my feet from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. when we ate dinner.  I'm exhausted but my stupid brain just won't shut off.

Random thoughts etc.:

My new favorite saying that I completely made up, "Unless your name is Richard, don't be a dick."  LMAO...I crack me up.

I realized today that I don't eat meals anymore.  I just snack.  I seriously need to get back on track.  I will sit down with a plate and have no interest in eating it.  But show me a bag of kettle corn and I'm all over it.

I think it's time to start looking for a job.  I'm tired of the craziness at my job.  And I'm really tired of working all the darned time.  I really make 2 dollars an hour.

My son went to get his oil changed today and paid for it on his own.  I can't believe he's growing up.  He's learning how to maneuver all the grown up stuff and how to avoid getting upsold at the oil change place.  Bob and I coached him on what to say etc. but we made him go without one of us.

My car blew up yesterday.  What a complete pisser.  And it cost a small fortune to get it fixed.  Like half as much as what Nick's car cost.  Sigh.  The car has to last like another 10 years so I guess it's better to take care of it than not.  This really cute boy took it and got it washed, oil changed, and got it fixed all while I was at work.  I wasn't even home and he got my car taken care of.  He's awful cute.

I'm wondering at what point I won't get acne anymore?

And I'm pretty sure I'm occasionally having hot flashes.