Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lifelong learner

Today I learned quite a few things.

1.  As many times as I have wished to be able to be a stay at home mom, I only want to be a stay at home mom after all of the kids move out.

2.  Sometimes, when you've had a rough day you just need to get a pedicure.

3.  Just because the women at the nail place keeps asking if you want your lip waxed doesn't mean you have a mustache.  But do they like to mess with your head or what?

4.  I feel stressed out with all of the "Switch Car Insurance to save..."  I mean seriously?  What if I'm not saving enough?  The choices are overwhelming. 

5.  I've missed sleeping with my dog.  Bob is gone tonight so RJ gets to sleep with momma.  Shhhh...it's a secret.  We aren't telling Bob.

6.  Seeing a light at the end of what has turned out to be an interminable tunnel makes me almost giddy.  It's too soon to know that the mess that I've experienced the last 3 years is in fact about to go away, but it is sounding more promising.  What it means is that I might actually get to move forward with my life and be a regular person again.

7.  I love watching Michael J. Fox on "The Good Wife."  He's a neat guy.

8.  All of the local news stations in Phoenix are stupid.  S.T.U.P.I.D.  And they must think the general population is stupid.  Wait.  Maybe they are.  But I'm not and I refuse to watch a show that says, "It's all about you."  Dumb.

9.  I want to go to law school.

10.  After I finish my Ph.D.  I start my Ph.D in August.  Hopefully.  I can finish my Ph.D in 2 years.  That means I can start law school by the time I'm 43 or so.  I'm going to law school.  Seriously. 

11.  When I told Bob tonight that I wanted to go to law school he merely replied, "I know you do.  You always have.  And I know you will do it.  Do what will make you happy."

12.  And number 11 is the reason that I will grow old with that man.  He isn't afraid to let me be me.  He calls me just to tell me he loves me.  And he sends me goofy pictures. 

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