Monday, January 31, 2011

Adult-onset of ADD

I'm pretty sure I'm developing ADD as an adult.  Well, either that or I've always had weird thought but I pay more attention to them now. 

Some strange things I thought today:

This morning as I passed a Starbucks:  "I wonder if working at Starbucks, with all the grumpy people waiting to get coffee is a stressful job?  I wonder how long I would work at Starbucks before I reach through the window and punch someone in the nose?"

This morning at work:  "I wonder how much trouble I would get in I used the 'Jethro Gibbs head slap' at work?  I wonder how he gets away with it at work and no one ever reports him to HR? Oh I hope NCIS is on tonight so I have new reruns to watch when I get home.  In my next life, I'm going to work for NCIS.  Or I'm going to be a cat.  A tabby cat."

Sigh.  See what I mean?

"If a transsexual woman (used to be a man) is dating a lesbian, is the lesbian really a lesbian or is the transsexual a lesbian transsexual?  How is that possible?" -- hey, I saw a transsexual woman with a lesbian, which prompted that musing.

"How in the world, are these students about to finish their college education with the writing skills of a 6th grader?  Did I do a horrible job instructing them or is our education system that flawed?  Am I being too hard on them?  Should I be grading them based on what my capabilities are or what all of their capabilities seem to be?"

"Am I really an asshole?  I've heard 4 times in a week how stern I am.  Am I really that bad?  Or again, is it that my standards of expected behavior is so different?"

"Really?  Am I really cut out to be a boss?  I hate that I have to babysit grown people.  Stupid people just keep pushing and pushing and then want to complain that I'm stern.  Jerks."

"I wish I were at smart as Abby."

"I wish I could be a stay at home mom."

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