Monday, January 10, 2011

Big Fat Meanie

I was a big, fat meanie today.  I felt it.  All. Day.  First of all, I didn't feel good.  Second of all, I didn't feel good.  Third of all...we all know I have the patience of a crack fiend waiting for the next fix.  No I didn't just say I was a crack fiend...I said that I don't have a lot of spare "patience" runnin' around.  When you are feeling so ugly inside that you can't stand yourself, you know it is going to be a long day.  And today was one of those days.

See, I have this problem called EXPECTATIONS.  I have a pretty well defined set of expectations regarding acceptable behavior, acceptable amount of initiative being put forth and let's just say an expectation of common courtesy.  And I don't care how old you are or who your momma is, you darned well better be nice or you are going to bug me.  And for God's sake...seriously?  How hard is it to say, "Thank you."?  I mean really...I say, "Thank you" regularly because I'm truly thankful.  I'm thankful for the dinner that is made.  I'm thankful for the QT run.  I'm thankful for well just about everything.  I'm pretty fed up with the entitlement of some people and lack of saying, "Hey thanks for going out of your way." 

On to another aunt and uncle arrived here today from Kentucky.  My uncle is sick and only has a couple of years left so I'm so very grateful to see him.  And immediately, Mike and I started to fall right back into our old accent.  You know the accent...the "I just left the farm" accent that took years to lose and about two sentences to gain back.  Love this:  "I reset that darned thing twiced already!"  I'll bet I say, "Twiced" a few times tomorrow.  I really miss my family in Ohio.

Tase subject of the day:  I don't have one today.  YIKES.  The thought, "Dude needs tased" never occurred to me today.  Even as mean as I was.  Maybe I should have been my tase subject for being such a little snot. 

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