Monday, November 14, 2011

I forgot I had a blog....

I've been thinking about my blog a lot lately.  I sort of forgot I had one.  But I really need to write on it today.

Today, I spent quite a lot of time and energy trying to help Sabrina get an IEP at school.  I made multiple phone calls, was at the high school at 6:45 a.m., ordered 5 different books, made more phone calls, reached out to multiple sources seeking information and help.  And you know what I see today as I check on Sabrina's facebook?  A note from her Aunt (her mother's sister) saying how she wishes Sabrina's mother was alive so she could kick my ass.  Really?  Yep, because I'm that awful person that has busted my butt for 2 years trying to help a child that is not mine be as normal as possible.  Yep, that is just horrible.  I'm the person who set up the Facebook so that Vickey's family would have a way to communicate with Sabrina and so Sabrina could be a normal teen.  So why would you write that crap where a 14 year girl is going to read it?  Seriously?

Sigh....this on a day when I feel just exhausted.  I'm overwhelmed with work and teaching and kids.  Trying to make sure I'm not neglecting my own child while I'm so wrapped up into helping Sabrina.  Trying to make sure I'm completely ignoring Amanda just because she is older and needs less of my attention.

You know, there are days where I just wanna say, "Have at it folks....if ya'all think you can do better, go for it."  But you know, these are the same people that were in these kids' life the whole time and didn't do a damned thing other than cause misery and pain.  So I guess I'm okay...just frustrated.

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