Monday, May 16, 2011


Two women I went to high school with have lost their husbands this year.  That makes me very sad.  And makes me want to take better care of my health. Another woman I went to high school with is dying of cancer.  She has 7 kids.  

It really actually scares the eebie jeebies out of me.  I suppose as we continue to age, it's going to happen.

It's 11:41 p.m.  I'm wide awake.  I've been taking blood pressure medicine that seemed to be helping me get to sleep.  No luck tonight.  I think I'm brain just won't turn off. 

Friday, we met with the high school guidance counselor and the elementary school staff for Sabrina's IEP.  Gulp.  Public education is scary.  And it truly is no wonder so many kids in Arizona are getting through the school system completely uneducated.  The assistant principal was there and my impression of her was that she was a complete moron -- and an unprepared moron at that.  Sabrina's teacher left a lot to be desired.  Luckily, and unluckily for me, I'm very accustomed to having very hard conversations with people because of my job.  I let her be stupid for a little while and then I very nicely made her feel like an ass.  It's a gift.

I can't believe in a few days my son will be a junior in high school.  Holy canoli...where has the time gone?  Seems like yesterday I was singing Lion King songs to him and dancing around in the livingroom.  Or he was putting band-aids on all of his fingers and was roaring at everyone.  The kid didn't talk but boy could he roar at everyone.  I think he really thought he was Lion King.

This last weekend, Bob took the kids camping along with my dad and my brother.  Some other friends went as well.  I stayed home for a quiet, chore filled weekend.  It's great that they can all go and get along.  They really seem to enjoy each other's company.  And it's great experience for Nick and Sabrina both.  Sabrina was the only girl that went but she loved every minute of it.

Speaking of Sabrina...can someone explain to me the snotty teenaged girl attitude?  The last two days, she has been a little snot box.  If this is how things are going to be for a few years, I definitely need to pray for some more patience.  My son learned very quickly to not throw attitude with me.  I don't know that I know how to handle the girl snotty routine.  I'm going to have to be very creative with discipline.

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