Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What I've learned from couple's counseling so far:

We do more right than we do wrong.  I suppose that's a plus.

Marriage even a pseudo-marriage requires an awful lot of work.

Marriage, even a pseudo-marriage is nothing like anything you or I have ever read in a romance novel.  The day to day is just not fantastic.

As the counselor was asking what our normal routine was, we both finally looked at each other and smirked.  Yep, we are very boring.  Work, home, dinner, bed.  Rinse.  Repeat.

I've personally learned that I must back off.  I know, it's a shock....I have to let Bob find his way at his speed.  Conversely, he needs to learn to step up.  It isn't my responsibility to do all of the parenting.

We have one major sticking point that we must continue to work through but I anticipate that we won't need to keep going to counseling for very much longer.  I figure a few more weeks and then probably some check ups every now and again.

Our sticking point is being addressed, I hope.  That sticking point is larger than both of us combined I'm afraid and requires further outside help.  But the boundaries are being set by us with clear consequences also be set forth.  You can't make someone want to be a part of a larger entity.  But we can do our best that they don't destroy the larger entity.

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